Our heavenly bodies
Our heavenly bodies

our heavenly bodies

Some people are consumed with pride others only have a small dose of it. However, the reason that scenario strikes us as appealing is pure pride, the desire to be better and more attractive than everyone else. You’d get promoted at work you’d be on the cover of magazines you’d have members of the opposite sex begging to go out with you. If your body was 20 years old, but you had the knowledge and understanding and mental skills of someone who has been an adult for many decades, that would be amazing. We are imagining how great it would be to have all those attributes, but only because it would impress other people. Every single attribute I’ve just described-knowledge, mental sharpness, physical strength, good looks-are all attractive to us right now because of pride and vanity. That would be wonderful.Įxcept, there is one slight problem. Wouldn’t that be great? We’d be young and strong and handsome, but with the knowledge and experience that normally takes a lifetime to accumulate. Finally, our heavenly bodies have the same physical strength and good looks we had when we were 20. But we also have the mental sharpness, focus, and drive of a 45-year-old. Wouldn’t it be nice if in Heaven our resurrected bodies were a hybrid of various stages of life here on earth? How about this combination: our bodies have the experience and understanding of, say, a 70-year-old. Even middle-age bodies are unlikely, since it’s hard to imagine heavenly saints being unable to find their reading glasses and needing to get up at 2 a.m. I mean, being in need of a walker, cataract surgery, and a pacemaker doesn’t sound like paradise. Since Heaven is a place of pure joy, I don’t suspect our bodies will be very old either. That’s very comforting, but I wonder what age our heavenly bodies will be? Will they be the same age we were when we died? I hope our bodies will be a bit younger, although age 13 might be a little too young that was an awkward age. Our earthly bodies will be resurrected, with all the decay of death completely removed. The Holy Scriptures, along with Church Tradition, clearly teach that when (or if?) we get to Heaven, we will not be pure spirits like the angels.

Our heavenly bodies